Base technical trades taken into the consideration by TEZULAS engineer`s and its consultants are generally grouped in:
Air-conditioning engineering
HVAC engineering
LV engineering
Water engineering

Air-conditioning engineering The air-conditioning comfort provided to occupants of premises depends on various parameters: temperature, hygrometry, air purity, air speed, etc. But the technical equipment must not be prejudicial to aesthetics. Spohisticated techniques are required to supply cold air to large complex.

HVAC engineering HVAC engineering comprises power distribution building and outdoor spaces lighting. It encompasses power generation, the implementation of standby generation units, in some cases connected to a heat supply co-generation unit. These facilities are most often optimized by means of computer regulating systems. HVAC engineers are in charge of technical specifications and selection of electro-mechanical equipment: lift, escalators, travellators.

Telecommunications Experience in telecommunications, control or monitoring systems has been gained in such sectors as hotel phone management, fire detection centralization, building technical management access control, anti-intrusion systems, video surveillance. The constant evolution of techniques has made it possible o implement internet or digital television distribution networks. Thus, the know-how also comprises designing voice, data or picture transmission systems, either by wire, radio, infrared or hyper-frequency links.

Water engineering The expression water engineering encompasses water-related techniques, from extraction (boring, wells, pre-treatment, desalination) to supply (drinkable water, firefighting storage, sanitary equipment, irrigation) and discharge after use (wastewater treatment plant, sewage farm). For TEZULAS, this field of expertise also comprises swimming pool, springs, pools and distribution of all fluids (gases, industrial fluids)